Total distance: 8.61 km (5.4 mi) Total time: 2:35:15 Moving time: 2:17:03 Average speed: 3.33 km/h (2.1 mi/h) Average moving speed: 3.77 km/h (2.3 mi/h) Max speed: 14.98 km/h (9.3 mi/h) Average pace: 18.02 min/km (29.0 min/mi) Average moving pace: 15.91 min/km (25.6 min/mi) Fastest pace: 4.01 min/km (6.4 min/mile) Max elevation: 252 m (827 ft) Min elevation: 166 m (544 ft) Elevation gain: 370 m (1214 ft) Recorded: 16/02/2013 10:17am
We managed to walk passed the pub
And while most people turned right under the bridge........................................................ |
and carried on.......
John and I turned left until we noticed we were all alone. I naturally thought an alien abduction but the ring of a mobile phone soon cleared that one up!
Some other members of the group walking into the distance........ the wrong way.
Just one of those days!
Despite it being a customary lovely Saturday morning, the rain had taken its toll and left us trudging through the mud.
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